"Get Your Butts Down Ladies!"
The above command resonated across the soccer field as my 9 year old daughter and her teammates tried to follow the coach's instructions. It was an attempt to get them to block the ball from opposing players during practice. During the games, we heard and still hear (from different coaches now) "Come on ladies, be aggressive! " "Who wants the ball!!!???" "Go After It!!!"
My question is this: What is this doing to our girls? Are we teaching them to be...well, boys?
The larger question is this of course: What does "feminine" and "masuculine" mean anymore? Certainly, feminism has influenced our culture drastically, like it our not. It is now a given in secular culture that girls should play as much sports, shoot as many deer,have as many corporate management jobs, and fly as many jet fighters as boys. There is no distinction.
So what does it mean to be a woman, other than a few anatomical differences?
Ok, for us Christians, here is another question. As I have discussed here before, the Bible teaches us throughout that wives should submit to their husbands (again, it never tell husbands this, not even in Ephesians ,if you read the passage carefully-see the discussion on this blog on May 17 2006 "Death of Marriage II"), not to teach in church over men, etc. So, how can we expect our girls to grow up to be nurturing, supportive, or even submissive, when we are telling them to be aggressive on the court, soccerfield, office or military unit? Can a woman who has slugged the ball out of the park or shot an antelope through the heart be a successful, tender mother of a baby and love her husband with respect?
Well, frankly, I don't know.
But I doubt it.
This matters a lot to me. You see, I want my daughter to be the woman God meant her to be, not a product of current societal trends-nor do I want her to be a clone of myself or my wife. I pray for her to grow up to be a Godly woman, not a stereotype of my past -nor a product of post-modern theology. Sadly,there are precious few role models out there to look at.
I would love to hear people weigh in on this, especially you parents or women who were involved in sports, hunting, etc.
What say you?
My question is this: What is this doing to our girls? Are we teaching them to be...well, boys?
The larger question is this of course: What does "feminine" and "masuculine" mean anymore? Certainly, feminism has influenced our culture drastically, like it our not. It is now a given in secular culture that girls should play as much sports, shoot as many deer,have as many corporate management jobs, and fly as many jet fighters as boys. There is no distinction.
So what does it mean to be a woman, other than a few anatomical differences?
Ok, for us Christians, here is another question. As I have discussed here before, the Bible teaches us throughout that wives should submit to their husbands (again, it never tell husbands this, not even in Ephesians ,if you read the passage carefully-see the discussion on this blog on May 17 2006 "Death of Marriage II"), not to teach in church over men, etc. So, how can we expect our girls to grow up to be nurturing, supportive, or even submissive, when we are telling them to be aggressive on the court, soccerfield, office or military unit? Can a woman who has slugged the ball out of the park or shot an antelope through the heart be a successful, tender mother of a baby and love her husband with respect?
Well, frankly, I don't know.
But I doubt it.
This matters a lot to me. You see, I want my daughter to be the woman God meant her to be, not a product of current societal trends-nor do I want her to be a clone of myself or my wife. I pray for her to grow up to be a Godly woman, not a stereotype of my past -nor a product of post-modern theology. Sadly,there are precious few role models out there to look at.
I would love to hear people weigh in on this, especially you parents or women who were involved in sports, hunting, etc.
What say you?