
Honest thoughts on ministry,culture, and living in Utah

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Location: Logan, Utah, United States

I love diversity. I love studying the Bible. science (especially biology and astronomy),and history. I love music, the outdoors...and my family of course. They give me the greatest joy I have ever known!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

"Among the Mormons..." Pt 1

The above is the title of a well known book in these parts-stories of early pioneers and others among the Mormons when they settled Utah. And here I have been, here in the "land of Zion" for some 17 years.

I was a newlywed when I first arrived. We drove our u-haul truck from California, towing the car behind the many, many arid miles of Nevada, then Utah. My first view of the Great Salt Lake and the salt flats gave me sort of a sinking feeling. I was a California boy, growing up in So Cal and living the last 15 years in San Luis Opispo on the Central Coast. As the truck jounced along, I looked out at the salt and the mountains ahead and felt...lonely. I had left family, friends, a great home church and year around mild weather for a new life with my bride....among the Mormons. It was exciting, but the lonliness has never left me.

A stranger in a strange land. To know that you are different than most people around you affects you. In the grocery line, two girls in front of you are talking about "their missionaries". The mechanic finishing up your fuel pump wonders why you don't have kids yet. My heck (a local expression), you've almost been married a year! The neighbors look at you and wave...hesitantly? Saturdays are busy, since nothing is open on Sunday. Lunch after church can get old-only the big chains are open (how many times can you eat at Chili's?) Police direct traffic near the LDS churches on Sunday-everyone goes (except you) When people you find out you are not LDS, you feel examined, like the newest fish in the aquarium. All this contributes to the isolation, the certainty you do not belong here.

Now, there is a silver lining. First, my new wife and I support each other and have fun with our new house (rented), decorating, unpacking etc. We are part of a ministry team who reach out to us and encourage us. Our church, though only about 250 (I came from one that was about 1000 or so) is friendly and encouraging. There is only one bar in town! Movies are a pleasure again, as people are quiet and well behaved. Few people smoke and swearing is uncommon in public. Crime is almost non-existent-we leave our house unlocked! (Can you imagine that in SoCal?)
And the mountains are fantastic-soon I am cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking in the pines-a dream come true for the kid who grew up sick of the suburbs. There are some real advantages-no question.

But still, the feeling of aloneness lingers... One day, walking downtown, I was introduced to deer season. A car pulled up to the curb, a dead deer, bleeding all over the hood he was tied to, stared at me with empty, I'm not in San Luis any more.

But, in all things, in all times, in all places, God is there..... (to be continued)

Monday, March 21, 2005

Grace, SLO Mission's Blog

Grace, SLO Mission's Blog
Easter Outreach Prayer for the Gunns

Please pray as we do a major outreach on campus by giving away cd-roms about the real Jesus entitled "Who is He?" We are also promoting an inter-church sunrise service Easter morning on the campus. Rob has been invited to speak this year-please pray for him as he prepares-and for good weather! Thank you!

Friday, March 18, 2005

Spiritual Inversions

The once pristine vally we live in now has some of the worst air pollution in the west. During the cold winter months, we experience inversions-a layer of very cold air holds down the air below it, creating a stagnant air mass caught between the two beautiful mountain ranges on both sides. It is a dangerous form of pollution and schools keep kids in from recess and people are encouraged by the city to stop driving and stay indoors. Sadly, this all happened in only two years. How?

Well, it's the old story. The problem was predictable-we have always had inversions. The mountains have always been there. Health experts warned us. But rapid growth brought more and more cars, which brought more traffic lights, which results in more stop and go traffic, and results in more and more smog. And now, instead of sledding on a nice winter day, my kids often have to stay inside, many suffer from asthama and bronchitis, and the mountains are murky.

Do we not experience the same in our spiritual lives? We see a temptation coming, but we don't do anything about it. Soon we are falling into sin-just a little at first, then more and more. Oh we know it's wrong, but we get used to it. The inversion forms when we form a "cap" or facade of seemingly doing well, never sharing our struggle with others, asking foregiveness, etc. The internal pollution just gets worse and worse until, almost literally, we can't go out anymore. How many times have I seen sudents quit coming to our group because of....guilt. They are drinking, or getting involved with someone sexually or just growing cold to God. Eventually, being around other Christians or hearing the word makes them very uncomfortable, so they stay home.

Is there an answer? Well, the air here in Logan, Utah is clear today because finally, the winds came and temperatures went up. In the same way, the fresh breezes of confessing and asking God for foregiveness can clear the gunk from our soul (I Jn. 1:9) and we can breath again, go out again, live again.

So if you are holding in some internal pollution, tell a trusted friend or your pastor and most importantly, confess your sins to God. Let him clear the skies of your life. If you have ever seen the PBS production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, you will remember Aslan's breath freeing the people of Narnia who had been turned to stone. It's as awesome as that! Let the winds of healing blow and see the blue skies -they have been there all along.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Joining the blogosphere

Well, here it goes. I hope this will not be like taking part in a reality show-do I really want the whole world reading my thoughts? (ha, the whole world.....maybe a few friends.)