
Honest thoughts on ministry,culture, and living in Utah

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Location: Logan, Utah, United States

I love diversity. I love studying the Bible. science (especially biology and astronomy),and history. I love music, the outdoors...and my family of course. They give me the greatest joy I have ever known!!

Monday, September 04, 2006


"Can a mortal ask questions which God finds unanswerable? Quite easily, I should think. All nonsense questions are unanswerable. How many hours are there in a mile? Is yellow square or round? Probably half the questions we ask-half our great theological and metaphysical problems-are like that." -C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed

Regular readers of this esteemed site know my friend Vince, at least know of his comments. Indeed, he is the most frequent commenter and sets off the longest discussions! But for those of you who don't know him personally, let me tell you about him.

Vince is a dedicated father and husband. Sincerity oozes from every pore. I have admired he and his wife's lifestyle for some time and believe that in many ways, they are great examples to the Christian community. As you can tell, he is very intelligent, a physicist by training. He is also a dedicated Christian.

Now, one problem of writing, be it letters or blogs, is that you can't tell things like this just from opinions on things like politics or theology. Some of you just think of him as a flaming liberal. It just isn't so.

We had lunch the other day. We talked about things like truth and the problems within the body of Christ, and yes, a little politics. He made a statement I have been thinking about, that we all live in our "mythologies", be it left or right, conservative or liberal. I like that and I agree it is true. Many things we think we know turn out to be wrong, or at least, exaggerated. So it is useful to dialogue,to discuss, even debate. It helps us see our mythologies.

So Vince, thank you. I hope you will comment again soon.

After all, if everyone thought like me, who would read this anyway?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob... All this talk about mythology and interpretation... I don’t know, it sounds a bit postmodern. Do I need to contact Jerry Fallwell?

9/06/2006 8:17 AM  
Blogger jonathan said...

I too am conservative leaning in my world view, but through my personal contact with Vince, including sharing a cup of coffe some mornings during an informal Bible Study group, I too can attest that he is a faithful Christian.

9/08/2006 7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


OK, I decided to comment. Pleeeaaassse, write something else soon.

9/09/2006 5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see is the title of this post alluding to the smash hit movie from 1997:

"Vince and the Trailer Park" ??

The movie description sounds like my autobiography.

9/12/2006 8:22 AM  

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