For more on the subject of divorce, read this thought provoking article. Do you think he is right?
thought provoking isn't a phrase i would think of in relation to that article. the content of this site http://www.generousorthodoxy.net/thinktank/ (although not currently on topic) is quite a bit better reading/thinking.
On the contrary, I think Mohler challenges our culture, as well as most Christians, to confront what they say they believe, versus what they actually do.
The site you mentioned is best described as mind-numbing, rather than thought provoking. Cutting to the chase, it is very left and is neither generous(conservatives have no place here) nor orthodox. The name is somewhat analogous to Communist propaganda of old, e.g. "The People's Republic of China" which, of course, does not belong to the people and is not a Republic. BrianMcLaren and his emergent church is solidly post-modern and great for people who love floating in mid-air and would probably love a tie-died VW van. Convoluted pseudo-intellectual double talk would be a better description.
"My advice to you is get married: if you find a good wife you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher."
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