Among the Mormons Pt 3
I was shocked. There, in what seemed like an LDS bookstore, packed to the gills with books and vidoes from church leaders and others, was porn. Lots of it. Playboy videos, X-rated movies and many "foreign films" with people having sex on the cover. Granted, it was not Deseret Book, the official LDS store, but an independent store, owned by a well know downtown merchant, a bishop in his ward, and member of the school board.
This was 18 years ago, when I first came to Logan. Due to my letters to the editor and several protests from other Christians, they pulled the worst of it. Today there are still NC-17 titles and plenty of raunchy hard R titles in this mostly LDS bookstore. The owner's wife is now on the school board. It is still a great example of Mormon hypocrisy that abounds here and is getting worse.
Those of us in ministry here can see the LDS church basically falling apart. It is like the snow melting, slowly losing it's properties, sinking into the ground. Mormon families are getting smaller-no longer are women encouraged to have lots of children. Mothers are working more and more, leaving their kids with day care or relatives. As a result, they are watching more and more TV, video games, etc. The elementary kids at school tell my kids all the time how many PG-13 films they have seen, or brag proudly of the "M" video games they have played. Mom and Dad are just too busy to notice. Oh they are still doing their temple chores, etc. but are too busy to notice what is happening to their kids.
I see the result on this 90% Mormon college campus. Foul language, sex, drinking are all increasing. Starbucks opens in town soon, following Border's and other coffee places. A tobacco store opened recently and is doing well (so much for the "Word of Wisdom"). Liberal professors are dominating the campus now, pushing such issues as homosexuality and evolution and deriding the beliefs of their students. The owner of the local theater, a BYU grad, proudly shows "Brokeback Mountain" as he bows to the god of Tolerance.
Perhaps more important, and encouraging, is Mormon beliefs are slowly shifting-toward Christianity? Church leaders are openly emphasizing grace and Christ, not works and Joseph Smith. Historical events such as Ravi Zacharias in the Tabernacle last year seem to herald a new openness. Institute leaders at the University of Utah recently invited Campus Crusade workers to feel free to evangelize their members, as many of them are not "living the gospel". Our efforts are welcomed on campus by LDS students and leaders. It is really amazing.
Where will it all lead? No one knows. But we can hope, and trust that God is at work here. One thing to pray for is the new President of the church, who will no doubt be chosen soon, as the current one is in his 90's. The course he sets as the "Prophet" will doubtless have a profound impact on the changes now taking place.
This was 18 years ago, when I first came to Logan. Due to my letters to the editor and several protests from other Christians, they pulled the worst of it. Today there are still NC-17 titles and plenty of raunchy hard R titles in this mostly LDS bookstore. The owner's wife is now on the school board. It is still a great example of Mormon hypocrisy that abounds here and is getting worse.
Those of us in ministry here can see the LDS church basically falling apart. It is like the snow melting, slowly losing it's properties, sinking into the ground. Mormon families are getting smaller-no longer are women encouraged to have lots of children. Mothers are working more and more, leaving their kids with day care or relatives. As a result, they are watching more and more TV, video games, etc. The elementary kids at school tell my kids all the time how many PG-13 films they have seen, or brag proudly of the "M" video games they have played. Mom and Dad are just too busy to notice. Oh they are still doing their temple chores, etc. but are too busy to notice what is happening to their kids.
I see the result on this 90% Mormon college campus. Foul language, sex, drinking are all increasing. Starbucks opens in town soon, following Border's and other coffee places. A tobacco store opened recently and is doing well (so much for the "Word of Wisdom"). Liberal professors are dominating the campus now, pushing such issues as homosexuality and evolution and deriding the beliefs of their students. The owner of the local theater, a BYU grad, proudly shows "Brokeback Mountain" as he bows to the god of Tolerance.
Perhaps more important, and encouraging, is Mormon beliefs are slowly shifting-toward Christianity? Church leaders are openly emphasizing grace and Christ, not works and Joseph Smith. Historical events such as Ravi Zacharias in the Tabernacle last year seem to herald a new openness. Institute leaders at the University of Utah recently invited Campus Crusade workers to feel free to evangelize their members, as many of them are not "living the gospel". Our efforts are welcomed on campus by LDS students and leaders. It is really amazing.
Where will it all lead? No one knows. But we can hope, and trust that God is at work here. One thing to pray for is the new President of the church, who will no doubt be chosen soon, as the current one is in his 90's. The course he sets as the "Prophet" will doubtless have a profound impact on the changes now taking place.