
Honest thoughts on ministry,culture, and living in Utah

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Location: Logan, Utah, United States

I love diversity. I love studying the Bible. science (especially biology and astronomy),and history. I love music, the outdoors...and my family of course. They give me the greatest joy I have ever known!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Hunting for Christmas

The pictures here (hopefully) are from our annual safari to bag a Christmas tree in the Idaho woods. It only costs $5 for a permit from the Forest Service (of course it costs about $25 in gas to get there and back, but hey-it's all about the experience!) It has become a tradition for us and other families and the kids love it. The trees are not quite as perfect as from the sellers on Main street, but they are as God made them-somehow a little more meaningful.

This year's "hunt" had a new wrinkle. We always have the permits with us, but have never been checked. This year a Forest Service truck pulled up just as we were setting out. Suddenly we had to be sure our prize was the right species (a Subalpine Fir) and the right height as stipulated on the permit, as well as how far from the ground we cut it. In years past I am not sure at all what we actually came home with. It was green, and looked like a Christmas tree. But not this year. So it took longer and was a little more work. When we got back to the cars, sure enough, the ranger checked our tags (thought I don't think he looked at the actual tree much).

In a way, it symbolizes our Christmas this year. My wife is battling cancer. Everywhere the "war on Christmas" still goes on, with stores refusing to use the word (Lowe's had "Family Holiday Trees"). My son's elementary school had a "Winter Fun" Program, and for the second year in row the children sang only about Santa and snow (for all the years prior there was at least "Silent Night" to at least acknowledge the birth of Christ.) As the political campaign heats up, the candidates are critisized for using Christmas in their commercials.

It's getting tougher to find the baby in the manger in all of this. You have to hunt for Him in the relentless efforts to expunge him from our society.

But if we try, he is still there. And he always will be, for no one can take him out of our hearts.

So before I have to have a permit to say it,


PS Our guide dog puppy Sentinel is in phase 10 and is expected to graduate soon!!