
Honest thoughts on ministry,culture, and living in Utah

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Location: Logan, Utah, United States

I love diversity. I love studying the Bible. science (especially biology and astronomy),and history. I love music, the outdoors...and my family of course. They give me the greatest joy I have ever known!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Merry ------mas

It's been a while. Very busy these days, but had to write this letter to the editor. To give some context, the city sent a life-size manger scene that has been downtown for many years to the landfill...

The Herald Journal left out an important target in their list of entities that people love to hate or criticize: Jesus Christ and his followers. Almost everyday there is an article or letter slamming the majority faith of this nation and it's spiritual heritage.

At Thanksgiving there was the front page article profiling teachers who portray the Pilgrims as land hungry,genocidal fanatics. A high school writer in the Grizzly insert referred to Native American sources as undeniable proof that the Pilgrims invited the Indians to their feast as a ploy to get their land. All this is presented with no rebuttal or context. It is, of course, utter nonsense. Search the historical literature and it is agreed that the Pilgrims and Native tribes had a good relationship and peace that lasted 50 years. These devout Christians thanked God for Squanto and others who enabled them to survive. The journals of Gov.William Bradford and others show that the starving Pilgrims intended to pay back the people whose graves they found corn in, etc. If you remember your history, they were supposed to join an existing colony and were unprepared to farm, so they had little choice. There is no hint of greed or exploitation in the existing records. Indeed, that did come later in history, but it is not to be blamed on the passengers of the Mayflower.

Then there was the absurd letter portraying Adolf Hitler as a Christian. The writer apparently has no knowledge of propaganda (the obvious purpose of Hitler's quotes) and little knowledge of Hitler. Upon reading any biography of the man, anyone will find he was a devotee of the philosophy of Nietzsche, who championed the idea of the "master race", hardly the teachings of Jesus.

And finally, our good city council and mayor throws Jesus and his family in the local landfill. Your columnist Eldon Peterson said it well two weeks ago: we are keeping Christmas and getting rid of Jesus. As Mayor Watts said, " rid of things that we don't need any more." I am afraid the opposite is true. We need the hope and love incarnate in that little baby more than ever. And tell me, would it have been that hard to let some churches in the area know the Nativity scene was available? Or did our city leaders join in the current cultural expulsion of all things Christian? Mr. Archer is quoted "It's kind of funny that people get so revved up about this sort of stuff." Funny? Not if you believe in the story of the birth of Christ. It is insulting.

In this age of tolerance and diversity, why is the little baby in the manger such a target, the man he grew up to be so despised, his followers so denigrated? Ignorance and bigotry are good for starters. Add to that the denial that we all need God. But to really understand, read one of the four Gospels. All this has been predicted...and you will find yourself there.

But no matter what you believe.........

Merry Christmas!