
Honest thoughts on ministry,culture, and living in Utah

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Location: Logan, Utah, United States

I love diversity. I love studying the Bible. science (especially biology and astronomy),and history. I love music, the outdoors...and my family of course. They give me the greatest joy I have ever known!!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Final Glory

We are having a beautiful fall here. One day the kids and I went on a walk in Green Canyon and talked about their Grandma dying. Their school is having a creative project contest and my 11 year old daughter Jessica decided to write a poem (they could choose writing, art, music, photography, etc.) While we walked, we brainstormed ideas for her poem. For some reason, I wondered about a connection between mom's passing and the vibrant orange and yellow leaves around us.

Is it not ironic that the maples and aspens surrounding us were their most stunning as the leaves died? In a way, my mom was at her best in her last weeks on earth. Her sweet spirit touched many lives at the assisted living facility where she spent her final days. One of the managers said "There is not a person here who was not touched by your parents." I thank God for that.

And here is the poem Jessica wrote (and stored in the "memo" function of my cell phone) as we walked among God's tapestry of terminal beauty....

Autumn Leaves

Why do fall's colors shine so bright?
Because the leaves are on their first and last flight
Slowly falling to the ground
Slowly twirling round and round
And though their red and yellow colors brightly shine
This is the last step in their fateful lifeline


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant poem, Jessica! Enjoy your spring.

Spring's excitement extinct.
Summer's lazy joy treasured.
Autumn's beauty slipping past.

Fading reds and yellows
Reveal wrinkled bark beneath.

My winter comes too soon.


10/31/2005 9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob, this: "Is it not ironic that the maples and aspens surrounding us were their most stunning as the leaves died?" is beautiful.

I wonder if we think the fall display of color is so beautiful because we've been faced with the green for the seasons of spring and summer, and somehow when fall arrives, in the leaves we clearly see the glory that was within them as the green chlorophyll fades away to reveal the reds,purples, and golds that were there all along but our eyes couldn't see past the green.

Your daughter's poem was beautiful....

11/07/2005 9:35 AM  

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