The Circle of Life and Dad
Our family loves The Lion King, including the music. I know many Christians make fun of the eco-tune Circle of Life, but it does paint a true picture in many ways. For instance, my dad. Tomorrow I fly home to move my parents into a new assisted living facility. My dad has cancer and is not expected to live more than a few months. So as he and my mom once did for me, I will take care of them for the next few days. I will help them dress, prepare meals, do laundry, and help them move their stuff-all things they did for me as a child. It is my turn. It will happen to many of us, and I am thankful to God I have had so many years with my parents. They have always loved me and provided for me. I can do no less for them. To be sure, it is hard. Helping an 81 year old man change a diaper is not what I would choose to do at 2 AM. But 51 years ago, he did it for me. And that is the circle of life.
If you think of it, pray for me and my family, especially my mom. Thanks.
If you think of it, pray for me and my family, especially my mom. Thanks.